Here we go again …

“When asked by the BBC if he thought his wife would still be alive if the termination had been allowed, Mr Halappanavar said: “Of course, no doubt about it.”

“On the Saturday night everything changed, she started experiencing back pain so we called into the hospital, the university hospital.”

He said she continued to experience pain and asked a consultant if she could be induced.

“They said unfortunately she can’t because it’s a Catholic country,” Mr Halappanavar said.

“Savita said to her she is not Catholic, she is Hindu, and why impose the law on her.

“But she said ‘I’m sorry, unfortunately it’s a Catholic country’ and it’s the law that they can’t abort when the foetus is live.”

The baby’s heartbeat stopped on the Wednesday.”

Source: Woman dies after abortion request ‘refused’ at Galway hospital

(Danish) Igen undrer jeg mig over hvornår jeg mon ikke længere behøver citere Denis Diderot og Christopher Hitchens for at få afløb for min frustration og vrede over at andre pålægges lidelse, smerte og tab af liv (“Pro-life” MIN RØV!!!) pga. folks bronzealdermyter!!

(English) Yet again I wonder when I will no longer need to quote Denis Diderot and Christopher Hitchens to get relief from my frustration and anger over other people having imposed suffering, pain and loss of life (“Pro-life” MY ASS!!!) because of people’s bronze age myths!!


“Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.” – Denis Diderot

Christopher Hitchens:

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