Red Steel 2 officially confirmed! :D

“At an event in Cannes, Ubisoft has finally confirmed what we’ve known for a long time now. Red Steel 2 is indeed in the works for the Wii. It seems as though Ubisoft will be completely reworking the sword fighting this time around, which will hopefully result in a much more engaging system. While an …

Nintendo Revolution Controller Finally Reveiled!

Yesterday Nintendo finally reveiled the controller for their upcomming next generation console, Nintendo Revolution. And I tell ya, this is different. I’ve looked at A LOT of fan mock-ups of the controller and nothing I’ve seen comes close to what Nintendo showed at Tokyo Game Show yesterday. Main Controller Features 3D Pointing. Sensors understand up, …

Happy birthday…

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Mario, happy birthday to you” Today, the 13th of September 2005, it’s been 20 years since Nintendo released the first Mario videogame, which was called Super Mario Bros. Oh boy, so much has happend since then! And many things are about to be “revolutionized” …

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Dated?

“According to Amazon, the U.K. release date is set for 25 November, with the U.S. getting the game slightly earlier on the 14th.” This is so exciting, one of the Zelda developer team’s goals with Twilight Princess, was to surpass Ocarina of Time. That is one big goal, but judging from the screenshots and gameplay …