Installing LibreOffice on Debian Squeeze

About 1½ weeks ago or so, LibreOffice was released for Squeeze via Debian Backports. Obviously great news given what has been happening to after Oracle’s take-over of Sun. However, when I first tried installing it on my Squeeze-powered workstation, it insisted on installing AbiWord and a couple of other packages as well, which I …

Sun releases OpenSolaris … and I am not very interested!

Sun just announced the launch of their new OpenSolaris operating system distribution, formerly known under the code name of Project Indiana. This is supposedly a new “Way”, as people in Zen Buddhism say, of Solaris, that is meant to reach out to advanced users and developers of GNU/Linux to get them to take a look …

Fedora coming clean on issue of the proprietary media codecs

One of the features of Fedora 8, was the introduction of CodecBuddy/Codeina, as a way to tell users new to GNU/Linux, who tries to play a multimedia file in an encumbered format, where he or she can get codec support for those, as Fedora cannot include them for legal reasons (Hint: The completely stupid, and …

4.0, the start of a new generation!

“The KDE Community is thrilled to announce the immediate availability of KDE 4.0. This significant release marks both the end of the long and intensive development cycle leading up to KDE 4.0 and the beginning of the KDE 4 era.” Source: KDE 4.0 Released. And so it has begun! …. KDE 4, a new generation …

Deconstructing Xbox 360 Security

Video recordings of the various presentations from the 24th Chaos Communication Congress are now available on the Internet. I immediately went and pulled down Why Silicon-Based Security is still that hard: Deconstructing Xbox 360 Security by Michael Steil and Felix Domke. In this presentation the Xbox 360’s security system is explained in details, plus various …